Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Starting at the very beginning (yeah I went there)

Well hello!
You're reading my blog! That's great!
Not only are you reading my blog buuuutttt....
It's the very first post!
I swear, if I had a balloon I'd give it to you, but I have a terrible fear of things that gently float.
I made a blog because I thought it would help me to become a better writer. And because I have a lot of thoughts, and if I've learned anything from the internet, it's that anytime you have a thought, EVER, you have to share it as many places as possible with as many people as you can.
Here's ten things about me. It's gonna be in 10 blog posts.
(P.S about the weird spacing, deal with it.)


(In the jewish community, whenever you feel like it, you add "alah" to the end of someone's name. Don't ask me why, you just do. Usually when you like them, but I bet sometimes when you don't like them too.)

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